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Ohio Psychology Law

All individuals providing psychological services under supervision are registered with the State Board of Psychology. The Counseling Center sends a letter each year to the State Board listing all practicum student names and all potential supervisors. Additionally, Ohio Psychology Law requires a written agreement in cases of shared supervision. This document will serve as an articulation of 1. the respective roles of the site supervisor and the faculty supervisor, and 2. the nature of the interactions between supervisors

Individual Supervision by Site Supervisor

Individual supervision is provided on-site at the Counseling Center by either a full-time staff member or a pre-doctoral intern. Supervision of a practicum student by an intern is considered umbrella supervision with the responsibility lying with the psychologist who provides the intern's individual supervision. Future references to individual supervision should be interpreted as including the psychologist who is responsible for the umbrella supervision, if relevant. Individual supervision has the following purposes: 1. ensuring client welfare and the delivery of competent services; 2. building the therapy skills of supervisees; and 3. fostering supervisee professional development. Ultimate responsibility for treatment recommendations for Counseling Center clients lies with the individual site supervisor.

Group Supervision by Faculty Member

Group supervision is provided by the CPCP faculty supervisor and has the following purposes: 1. coordinating practicum placements; 2. providing an opportunity for students to learn from their practicum colleagues; and 3. providing a teaching environment in which students can connect specific client issues to more global psychological theories and undertakings.


Both the individual site supervisor and the faculty supervisor will provide ongoing feedback to students about their performance. Informal evaluations are held in the middle of each semester with feedback provided by individual supervisors, faculty supervisors, and other members of the Counseling Center staff. Formal evaluations are given at the end of each semester. Individual site supervisors provide detailed written feedback to their supervisees and a copy of the summary page of the student's evaluation is provided to the CPCP Training Directors. A final evaluation meeting including the student, individual site supervisor, and faculty supervisor is also held at the end of the semester. The faculty supervisor is responsible for determining whether or not a student has met acceptable levels of performance and for grade assignment.

CC/CPCP Communication and Practicum Grievance Policy

In addition to the previously mentioned meetings, the CPCP faculty supervisors and the Counseling Center Assistant Training Director (Practicum Coordinator) and Training Director will meet on a regular basis for ongoing monitoring of practicum students. Open communication is encouraged at all times. If concerns about a supervisee's performance arise, both supervisors will communicate with one another and with the student on an ongoing basis. If students have concerns about supervision or evaluation, they are encouraged to first initiate a discussion about these concerns with their immediate supervisors. If this initial discussion does not resolve the concerns, the Counseling Center Assistant Training Director and/or Training Director will become involved as well. Concerns that remain unresolved should then be addressed by the CPCP Training Directors and the Director of the Counseling Center.