ࡱ>  'bjbj]W]W *?=?=kK """""6668nrt6Hj($$$FFFFFFF$JMvFe"F""$$:HK)K)K) "$"$FK)FK)K)9|:$ /0C&:FPH0H:N(N$::N"; K)FFK)HN :  Janet Klein Associate Professor, Director of the World Civilizations Program, Director of the Middle East Studies Certificate Program, Associate Editor, Kurdish Studies Dept. of History, CAS 216 330-972-2562 The University of Ƶ klein@uakron.edu Ƶ, OH 44325-1902 klein@alumni.princeton.edu Education: Princeton University The University of Montana Department of Near Eastern Studies BA, High Honors. May, 1993 Ph.D. November, 2002 Major: History, Minor: French M.Phil. January, 1998 Teaching Certificate, ESL M.A.: June, 1996 Book: The Margins of Empire: Kurdish Militias in the Ottoman Tribal Zone, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, June, 2011). Turkish translation of my book: Hamidiye Alaylar1: 0mpararatorluun S1n1r Boylar1 ve Krt A_iretleri, (Istanbul: 0leti_im Yay1nlar1, 2013). Journal articles, book chapters, and occasional papers:  The Minority Question: A View from History and the Kurdish Periphery, in Minority Rights and Multiculturalism in the Arab World, edited by Eva Pfoestl and Will Kymlicka, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). De la tribu la nation, gense dune identit, special issue on the Kurds, Qantara 88 (July, 2013). State, Tribe, and the Contest over Diyarbekir at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, in Diyarbekir: Social Relations in an Ottoman Province, 1870-1915, edited by Jelle Verheij and Joost Jongerden, (Leiden: E.J. Brill, July, 2012), 147-178. -Turkish version:  Devlet, a_iret, hanedan ve 20. yzy1l ba_1nda Diyarbekir zerindeki rekabet, in Diyarbak1r Teblileri: Diyarbak1r ve evresi Toplumsal ve Ekonomik Tarihi Konferans1, edited by Cengiz Aktar, (Istanbul: Hrant Dink Vakf1 Yay1nlar1, 2013), 176-203.  Minorities, Statelessness, and Kurdish Studies Today: Prospects and Dilemmas for Scholars, Journal of Ottoman Studies/Osmanl1 Ara_t1rmalar1 Dergisi, special issue in honor of Rifa at Abou-el-Haj, (Dec., 2010), 225-237. This special issue has also been reprinted as a book: Donald Quataert and Baki Tezcan, eds, Beyond Dominant Paradigms in Ottoman and Middle Eastern/North African Studies: A Tribute to Rifa at Abou-El-Haj, (Istanbul: 0SAM, 2010), 225-237. -Turkish translation:  Az1nl1klar, Devletsizlik, ve Gnmzde Krt al1_malar1: Ara_t1rmac1lar iin Yeni Olanaklar ve Amazlar, in Donald Quataert and Baki Tezcan, eds., Hakim Paradigmalar1n tesinde: Rifa at Abou-El-Haj a Armaan, (Istanbul: ISAM, 2010/2012), 267-280.  Turkish Responses to Kurdish Identity Politics: Recent Developments in Historical Perspective, in The Kurdish Policy Imperative, edited by Gareth Stansfield and Robert Lowe, (London: Chatham House/Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2010), 79-96. Invited contributor. evreyi 0dare Etmek: Osmanl1 Devleti ve Hamidiye Alaylar1, in Tarihsel Perspektiften Trkiye de Gvenlik Siyaseti, Ordu ve Devlet, edited by Evren Balta-Paker and 0smet Aka, (Istanbul:Bilgi, 2010). [English translation of Turkish title:  Managing the Periphery: The Ottoman State and the Hamidiye Light Cavalry, in Military, State, and the Politics of Security in Turkey in Historical Perspective]. Invited contributor. A Potential Kurdistan: The Quest for Statehood, Occasional Paper, (Abu Dhabi: Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, 2009), 59 pp. Invited author. Conflict and Collaboration: Rethinking Kurdish-Armenian Relations in the Hamidian Period (1876-1909), International Journal of Turkish Studies, Nos. 1, 2 (July, 2007), 153-166. -Also published in Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman Middle East and the Balkans: A Volume of Essays in Honor of Norman Itzkowitz , edited by Karl Barbir and Baki Tezcan, (Madison: University of Wisconsin Madison Center of Turkish Studies Publications Series, 2007), 153-166. Invited contributor. -Turkish translation: at1_ma ve 0_birlii: Abdlhamid Dnemi Krt-Ermeni 0li_kilerini Yeniden Deerlendirmek (1876-1909), in Osmanl1 Dnyas1nda Kimlik ve Kimlik Olu_umu: Norman Itzkowitz Armaan1, edited by Karl Barbir and Baki Tezcan, (Istanbul: Bilgi University Press, May 2012), 181-196. Kurdish Nationalists and Non-Nationalist Kurdists: Rethinking Minority Nationalism and the Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1909, Nations and Nationalism, 13:1 (Jan. 2007), 135-153. Ein kritischer Blick auf den sunnitischen Faktor bei der Aufstellung kurdischer Stammesregimenter unter Abdlhamid II [Whose Hamidiye?: Another Look at the Sunni Factor in the Creation of Kurdish Tribal Regiments by Sultan Abdlhamid II and his Associates], Kurdische Studien 2:1 (June, 2002), 131-153. Invited contributor. En-gendering Nationalism: The Woman Question in Kurdish Nationalist Discourse of the Late Ottoman Period, in Women of a Non-State Nation: The Kurds, edited by Shahrzad Mojab, (Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers, 2001), 25-51. Invited contributor. -Also translated into Turkish as  Ge Osmanl1 Dneminde Krt Milliyeti Syleminde  Kad1n Sorunu,  in Devletsiz Ulusun Kad1nlar1: Krt Kad1n1 zerine Ara_t1rmalar, edited by Fahriye Adsay, Sema K1l1, and Ekin U_akl1, (Istanbul: Avesta, 2005), 43-74.  Proverbial Nationalism: Proverbs in Kurdish Nationalist Discourse of the Late Ottoman Period, The International Journal of Kurdish Studies 14: 1 and 2, 2000, 7-26. Translations: Translation of Raymond Kvorkian, Chronologie de lextermination des Armniens de lEmpire ottoman par le rgime jeune-turc (1915-1916) [Chronology of the Extermination of Ottoman Armenians by the Young Turk Regime (1915-1916)], from French to English (60 pp single-spaced). Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence, ed. by Jacques Semelin (2008),  HYPERLINK "http://www.massviolence.org/The-Extermination-of-Ottoman-Armenians-by-the-Young-Turk-Regime?decoupe_recherche=kevorkian" http://www.massviolence.org/The-Extermination-of-Ottoman-Armenians-by-the-Young-Turk-Regime?decoupe_recherche=kevorkian Book Reviews: Review of Bedross Der Matossian, Shattered Dreams of Revolution: From Liberty to Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014), in International Journal of Middle East Studies (2015, forthcoming). Review of Uur mit ngr, The Making of Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), in Kurdish Studies (2013). Review of Taner Akam, The Young Turks Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012), in Journal of World History (2013). Review of Hakan zolu, Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State: Evolving Identities, Competing Loyalties, and Shifting Boundaries, (Albany: SUNY Press, 2004) in International Journal of Middle East Studies 37: 3 (Aug. 2005), 422-424. Review of Robert Olson, Turkeys Relations with Iran, Syria, Israel, and Russia, 1991-2000: The Kurdish and Islamist Questions, (Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers, Inc., 2001), in Turkish Studies Association Bulletin 26:2 (Fall, 2002), 60-64. Review of David McDowall, A Modern History of the Kurds, Revised Edition, (New York: I.B. Tauris, 2000), in Turkish Studies Association Bulletin 26:2 (Fall, 2002), 57-59. Peer-review service for manuscripts, grants/scholarships, and educational media: Book-manuscript reviewer for Stanford University Press (2011-present). Peer-reviewer for the journal, History Compass (2014). Peer-reviewer for the journal, Ethnic and Racial Studies (2014). Peer-reviewer for the journal, Kurdish Studies (2013-2014). Peer-reviewer for International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (2013). Scholarship reviewer for Turkish Studies Association s Ad1var Scholarship (April, 2012) Grant-application reviewer for American Research Institute in Turkey/Mellon Foundation /NEH Grants (2011-12) Reviewer of Turkish Educational Media, Critical Languages Program, University of Arizona, Dec., 2003-present. Reviewer of Kurdish (Kurmanci) Educational Media, Critical Languages Program, University of Arizona, Oct., 2008-present. Book-manuscript reviewer for Cambridge University Press (2011). Peer-reviewer for the journal, European Journal of Turkish Studies (2009, 2012). Peer-reviewer for the journal, Arab World Geographer (2010). Peer-reviewer for the journal, New Perspectives on Turkey (2009). Peer-reviewer for The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research Occasional Papers (1998-2000) Doctoral Dissertation: Power in the Periphery: The Hamidiye Light Cavalry and the Struggle over Ottoman Kurdistan, 1890-1914 (Princeton University: November, 2002). Masters Thesis: Claiming the Nation: The Origins and Nature of Kurdish Nationalist Discourse, A Study of the Kurdish Press in the Ottoman Empire (Princeton: June, 1996). Fellowships, grants, and awards: Institute of Turkish Studies Publication Grant (for book index) ($868) (2011) Univ. of Ƶ Faculty Research Committee Summer Grant ($10,000) (2011) Univ. of Ƶ College of Arts and Sciences Chairs Award for Outstanding Research in Early Career (2007) Institute of Turkish Studies Library Grant; Univ. of Ƶ Kerem Fund/Friends of the Library matching grant for the purchase of library books amounting to $5500 (2006-2007) Faculty Research Committee Summer Grant of $8000. The University of Ƶ (2006) University of Montana Dept. of History grant to present a paper at LSE in London, $2500 (2005) Institute of Turkish Studies Library Grant; UM Central Asia and Caspian Basin Program matching grant for the purchase of library books amounting to $5000 (2003-2004) Awarded Fulbright-Hays fellowship for dissertation research abroad (2000-2001) Offered Fulbright I.I.E. (2000-2001) (declined) FLAS Fellowship (full tuition and stipend, Princeton University), 1994-1999 MacArthur Foundation/Center for International Studies grant for dissertation research (1999) Princeton University Council on Regional Studies grant for dissertation research (1999) Offered Henry McCracken Fellowship for 5 years of study at NYU (1996) (declined) Ertegn Scholarship, (1995-1998) Combined NES Program, Council on Regional Studies, APGA, and Rea Grant to study intensive Kurdish, Washington, D.C. (Summer, 1998) Mellon Fellowship to study intensive Kurdish, Washington, D.C. (Summer 1997) FLAS Fellowship to attend the Harvard-Uluda Summer Ottoman paleography program in Ayval1k/Cunda, Turkey (Summer, 1997) ARIT Fellowship for study at Boazii University, Istanbul (Summer 1995) Erasmus Scholarship, 1991-1993 (University of Montana, university-wide scholarship) Bennett History Scholarship, 1992-1993 (University of Montana, departmental scholarship) Conference Talks, Public Lectures, and invitations to speak at other seminars/venues: Constructing Minorities in the Late-Ottoman Empire, public lecture presented by the Middle East Center, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Nov. 5, 2015). Discussant, panel on History, Memory, and Testimony, at Genocide and Global History: A Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, UCLA (April 10-11, 2015). Lhritage dAbdlhamid II, in the panel, Espace-temps, les tapes du processus gnocidaire at the conference, Le gnocide des Armniens de lEmpire ottoman dans la Grande Guerre, 1915-2015: cent ans de recherche, (25-28 March, 2015, Paris). The Kurdish-Ottoman Press: Hidden Transcripts and Power Struggles Among Kurdish Notables, 1898-1902, presented at the Chatham House Conference, Rethinking the Kurdish Question, (Jan. 13-14, 2015). Presented via Skype due to illness. Making Minorities in the Ottoman Empire: Armenians and Kurds, presented at the 0smail Beiki Vakf1 s Kurdish Studies Conference, Istanbul, Turkey (June 6-8, 2014). Discussant for panel,  Kurds in Turkey, at the conference/workshop titled  Governing Diversity: The Kurds in the New Middle East, Beirut, Lebanon (Nov. 28-30, 2013). Foreign Intervention, Making Minorities, and Mass Violence: The Case of the Armenians and Kurds in the Unmaking of the Ottoman Empire, presented at the conference, Tales of Two Empires: Ottoman and Russian Imperial Studies, Compared, (Amherst College, Amherst, MA, Nov. 1-2, 2013). Chair and Discussant for panel titled Recapturing Armenian Ottomanism through a Man of Tanzimat: The Ottoman Life of Bishop Mkrtich Khrimian, Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (Oct. 2013). Making Minorities in the Ottoman Empire: Armenians and Kurds, presented at the workshop/conference on Governmentalizing minorities in the Middle East: from the late Ottoman period to the present day, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 13-14, 2013. Kurdish Studies Today, presented at the Kurdish Studies and Politics conference, Columbia University, May 6, 2013. Discussant for panel: Christine Phillious Governing Ottomans in an Age of Revolution (2011), GLOW workshop, University of Guelph, March 29-31, 2013. The Armenian Genocide and the Kurds: Reconceptualizing the Link between Ethnicity and Culpability, presented at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Gomidas Institute, and Ludwig-Maximilians Universitt Mnchen Turkish Studies Lecture Series: The Ottoman Empire and its Eastern Provinces, Munich, Germany (Dec. 13, 2012). Humanitarian interventions in historical perspective, presentation for panel, Evolution of Humanitarian Intervention: Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan, at the conference, Humanitarian Dilemmas: Debating Interventions in Africa and the Middle East, Kent State University (April 5-6, 2012). State, Tribe, and the Contest over Diyarbekir at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, presented at the workshop on the Social and Economic History of Diyarbak1r and the Region; workshop sponsored by the Hrant Dink Foundation and Diyarbak1r municipal government, (Diyarbak1r, Turkey, Nov. 11-13, 2011). Invited speaker at Stanford University s Faculty/Graduate Student Geballe Research Workshop titled Ethnic Minorities, Religious Communities, Rights, and Democracy in the Modern Middle East and Central Asia, 25 October, 2011. Invited keynote speaker for the opening of the Kurdish library at SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton University (Sept. 23, 2011). Kurdish Studies in the United States: Prospects and Dilemmas for Scholars, presented at the Second Conference on Kurdish Studies, the University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, April 30-May 4, 2011. The Kurds and the Armenian Genocide: Imperial and Ethnic Politics in the Transition from Empire to Nation-State, to be presented at the workshop, Muslim Identities and Imperial Spaces: Networks, Mobility, and the Geopolitics of Empire and Nation (1700-2011), Stanford University, April 7-8, 2011. Minority Rights and Multiculturalism in the Arab World: A View from History and the Kurdish Periphery, presented at the workshop, Minority Rights and Multiculturalism in the Arab World, hosted by LUISS Univ. and Istituto di Studi Politici (Rome, Italy, March 24-26, 2011). Discussant for two panels at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting (San Diego, Nov. 2010): Leftists After All: The Kurdish Movement in Turkey and the Left from the 1960s to the 2000s, and Kurdishness in the Vernacular. The Kurdish Factor in the Armenian Genocide: Rethinking the Link between Culpability and Ethnicity, presented at the University of Chicago (April 29, 2010). Invited speaker. Minorities, Statelessness, and Kurdish Studies: Prospects and Dilemmas for Scholars, presented at the conference, Beyond Dominant Paradigms in Ottoman and Middle Eastern/North African Studies: A Tribute to Rifa'at Abou-El-Haj, presented at SUNY Binghamton, (April 24, 2010). Discussant on two panels at the 2009 annual Middle East Studies Association conference: Imperial Power, Local Politics, New Forms of Knowledge: Kurdish Identity and the Kurdish Question in the Late Ottoman Empire, and State Formation in the Middle East: The Kurdish Case (Nov., 2009). The Kurdish Question in Historical Perspective, presented to high-school teachers as part of NYUs educational outreach program, New York, (Oct. 24, 2009). Transnational Developments in Kurdistan in Historical Perspective, presented at NYUs Middle East Studies Center, New York, (Oct. 22, 2009). Invited speaker. Presented in conjunction with the Kurdish Film Festival in New York City. Women in Kurdish Nationalist Discourse from a Historical Perspective, presented at the first Congress on Kurdish Women, Hakkari University, Hakkari, Turkey (Oct. 1-5, 2009). Nationalism, Statelessness, and Kurdish Studies Today, paper presented at the international conference, The Kurds and Kurdistan: History, Politics, Culture, at the University of Exeter, Exeter, U.K. (April 1-3, 2009). Iraqi Kurdistan Between Statelessness and State-building, Sharp lecture at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX (March 30, 2009). The Kurds and the Armenian Genocide: Reflections on Historiography, presented at the Society for Armenian Studies Conference, Armenian Studies at a Threshold: Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the Society for Armenian Studies, Los Angeles, CA (March 26-28, 2009). Strange Bedfellows: The Village Guards and the Kurdish War in Turkey in Historical Context, presented at the panel titled Parallel Authorities? State and Kurdish Tribes in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey at the Middle East Studies Association annual conference, Washington, D.C. (Nov. 22-25, 2008). Kurds as Minorities and Minorities in Kurdistan, presented at the Middle East Minorities workshop sponsored by the University of Michigans Center for Middle East and North African Studies, Ann Arbor, MI (Nov. 7-8, 2008). Women, Gender, and the (Re)Construction of Kurdistan as The Other Iraq, presented at the University of Dohuk, Dohuk, Kurdistan Region Iraq (Oct. 14, 2008). Kurdish Studies Today: Prospects and Dilemmas for Scholars, presented at the Organization for the Advancement of Inner Eurasian Societies panel on Power, Knowledge, and Kurdistan, Columbia University, New York City, (May 9, 2008). What makes neighbors kill neighbors? Nuancing explanations of the Armenian Genocide during the First World War. Invited participant at a mini-conference/workshop titled From Empire to Nation State: The Ottoman Great War and Post-War Politics at the University of Richmond. Richmond, VA, (April 26, 2008). Nationalism and violence in the Hamidian period. Invited speaker at a graduate History seminar at Columbia University, The Ottoman Empire and its Rivals, taught by Prof. Christine Philliou. New York City, (April 14, 2008). Turkish Responses to Kurdish Identity Politics: Recent Events in Historical Perspective, invited speaker at the Chatham House (Royal Institute for International Affairs) conference on The Kurds in International Affairs, London, Dec. 19, 2007. Tribal Militias from the Wild West to the Wild East: U.S.-Ottoman Frontier Projects in the Late-Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, paper presented on the panel titled Rethinking the Ottoman Military, 1876-1922, Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2007. Whither the Failure of Kurdish Nationalism? presentation for discussion in the thematic conversation titled Majorities and Minorities in the Middle East and North Africa, Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2007. Journalism Beyond Borders: The Bedir Khans and the First Kurdish Newspaper, 1898-1902, Conference on Development of Kurdish Print Media sponsored by the European Center for Kurdish Studies, the Association Havibun and the Bedirkhan Committee Dohuk, Berlin, April 20-22, 2007. En-gendering Nationalism in Kurdistan: Women and Kurdish Nationalism at the Turn of Two Centuries. Invited speaker, Women and Islam Seminar Series, The University of Pennsylvania, April 12, 2007. Kurdish Militias and the Ottoman State: An Historical Case Study with Implications for Present-Day Conflict Resolution. International Conference on Kurdish Studies, sponsored by Institut kurde de Paris and Salahaddin University. Erbil/Hawler, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Sept. 6-9, 2006. Noble Savages or Savage Notables? Tribes, the State, Race, and Civilizing Missions in the Ottoman Empire and the United States, 1890-1914. Presented at the American Historical Association Conference, Philadelphia, January, 2006 (paper read by Ryan Gingeras due to car accident en route to conference). Identities and Nationalism: A Theoretical Perspective, and Kurdish Identity and Nationalism, two one-hour lectures presented as part of the NJ High School Teachers Summer Institute on Identities and Nationalism in the Middle East, Sponsored by Princeton Universitys Program in Near Eastern Studies, June, 2005. Kurdish Nationalists and Non-Nationalist Kurdists: Rethinking Nationalism and Imperial Decline in the Ottoman Empire, presented at the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalisms 15th Annual Conference under this years theme: Nation and Empire, London School of Economics, London, April, 2005. Moderator/panel chair for panel, The Veil, Sexual Identity, and its Masks, at the Islam, Women, the Veil, and the West Symposium, The University of Montana, April, 2005. Respondent for  Maps and Census: Construction of National Identity in Macedonia, 1870-1906, by 0pek Yosmaolu. Hellenic Studies Workshop. Princeton University, May 2, 2003.  Multimedia Middle Eastern Studies: Expanding Teaching and Research Options with New Technologies. Presented to the Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University. April 30, 2003. Kurds in Iraq. Presented as part of a one-day teacher-training seminar for New Jersey High-School Teachers, sponsored by Princeton Universitys outreach program, with co-presenters Professors Michael Cook and L. Carl Brown of Princeton, and Yitzhak Nakash of Brandeis. Princeton, March 8, 2003. Kurdish Nationalists and Non-Nationalist Kurdists: Diverse Agendas of the Kurdish Clubs in the Late Ottoman Period. Presented at the American Historical Association Conference, Chicago, January, 2003. Conflict and Collaboration: Rethinking Kurdish-Armenian Relations in the Hamidian Period (1876-1909). Presented at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November, 2002. Kurdistan in Early Kurdish Nationalist Discourse: Mapping with Words. Presented at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, Providence, November, 1996. Local/community lectures: -./   # ' B C M N b f j ʹʮ|q|eYeqh Xhx5CJaJh Xh(c5CJaJh Xh{ZCJaJh Xh{Z5CJaJh8CJaJh Xhw CJaJhw CJaJh XhiCJaJha/hCJaJha/6CJaJhZRCJaJha/CJaJhZVhZRCJaJh Xh{ZCJaJh7#ZCJaJhIvCJaJh)CJaJ/\ B C N R t v r t gd| 0^`0gdgd(cgdw $p^p`a$gd7#Z    R t v ~    R j l n p , < T ȿwog^U^MhCJaJhvQ 6CJaJh6CJaJhZCJaJh,jCJaJhLICJaJh3_CJaJh>CJaJh XhM_CJaJhZRCJaJh3_6CJaJh/h\CJaJh/5CJaJh5CJaJh Xh5CJaJh XhoCJaJh Xh CJaJh Xh{ZCJaJh Xh(cCJaJT V X f z * 1QRS÷ysjd]dWQd hX]aJ h|aJ h_Y6aJ h_YaJh_Yh_YaJ hC/DaJ h((1aJh|hCJaJh/h{Z5CJaJh/ha=5CJaJhA*5CJaJh/hq5CJaJh Xh5CJaJh Xh\CJaJh8oCJaJhCJaJhJCJaJh,jCJaJh~ECJaJh6CJaJ TUGH3""gd8 7$8$H$gd" 0^`0gd8gdZmgd? 0^`0gd&@gd/ 0^`0gd8 9gd|gd&@STU\T|}p> 6džŠŊ}w}q}q}wjw} hga6aJ h9P6aJ hgaaJ hCvaJ h&@6aJ h&@aJhvQ hvQ aJ hvQ 6aJ hvQ aJ haaJ h SaJ hu aJ h aJ hu 6aJ h3aJh_Yh_YaJhOh|6CJaJhvQ CJaJhOh|CJaJh|h_Yh((1aJ'xEIf|>^`=.05FGH亳ysjd hZmaJhE9h?aJ h~aJ haJ h?aJ h?6aJ hpaJ hcaJ h1m6aJ h1maJhAwCJaJh&@6CJaJh&@CJaJh*Gh&@CJaJ h&@aJhQxhQxaJ hQx6aJ hQxaJ"H 123 N ϳ{m_QI<h"h"CJPJaJh"CJaJh4Y!CJOJQJ^JaJhP9CJOJQJ^JaJh'RCJOJQJ^JaJ#hPeB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h Xh8B*CJOJQJ^JaJph h8h8CJOJQJ^JaJh(-CJOJQJ^JaJhJHCJOJQJ^JaJh8CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Xh86CJOJQJ^JaJ h Xh8CJOJQJ^JaJN P ^!""""""""""""""""""#####ĹĭĢėďwlaVlJh Xh{Z6CJaJh XhCJaJh XhOGCJaJh Xh{ZCJaJhCJaJhqCJaJhP9CJaJh/CJaJh XhNCJaJh Xhz CJaJh Xhq6CJaJh XhCJaJh XhqCJaJh8CJaJ h Xh8h"6CJPJaJh"h"CJPJaJh"CJPJaJ"""$$%''(((***+++Z-\-//n0o0]1 0^`0gdN) |^`|gds. 0^`0 0^`0gd#$$$$$$$$ %%%&&&&& ''$''⸧q^K8$h Xh 50JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h Xh:0JCJOJQJ^JaJ$h XhA0JCJOJQJ^JaJ'h Xhp0J6CJOJQJ^JaJ'h Xh:0J6CJOJQJ^JaJh'RCJOJQJ^JaJ h Xh:CJOJQJ^JaJhECJOJQJ^JaJh4Y!CJaJh Xh{Z6CJaJhZmCJaJh Xh{ZCJaJhJJCJaJh Xh4CJaJ'''''A(m((((()z))))))u*w*x*y****¶ ~rj_jMr@rh hP90JCJaJ#jh hP9CJUaJhP9hP9CJaJhP9CJaJjhP9CJUaJhH6CJaJhjVCJaJhHCJaJhH5CJaJh Xha=CJaJh Xh4CJaJh Xh{Z6CJaJh Xh{ZCJaJh!CJaJh Xh.CJaJh 50JCJOJQJ^JaJh'R0JCJOJQJ^JaJ****++#+x+++++++++,6,,*-H-X-Z-\--\...///8/¹¹¨•yqhqhq]qRh Xh*<CJaJh2h2CJaJh26CJaJh2CJaJhih^MCJaJhiCJaJhi6CJaJh^MCJaJh$Wh$WCJaJhK%CJaJhp6CJaJh$W6CJaJh$WCJaJh/ha=CJaJh/ha=5CJaJh/hM&5CJaJhZV5CJaJhH5CJaJ8//0%0,0I0Q0R0X0Y0^0a0b0c0m0o00011B1C1H1I1\1]1ааПЎxlxalVKVKxh Xh4CJaJh Xh(CJaJh XhxCJaJh Xha=6CJaJh Xha=CJaJh Xh*<CJaJ h Xh40JCJOJQJaJ h Xhdn0JCJOJQJaJ h Xh0JCJOJQJaJhp0J6CJOJQJaJ h Xh*<0JCJOJQJaJ#h Xh*<0J6CJOJQJaJh Xh*<6CJaJ]1^1 2 2[2223W33450666:7w77 8!8"898gd! & Fgd Gb & FgdhA & Fgd(R & FgdZV & FgdQ@ & Fgdgd(R 0^`0]1x11111111112 2 2[22222222393H3U3V3W3i3334ume\eQhQ@hQ@CJaJhnv6CJaJhnvCJaJhZVCJaJhZVhZVCJaJhX]6CJaJhX]CJaJhhCJaJhCJaJhQ@hCJaJhQ@5CJaJh(RCJaJhCJaJh Xh4CJaJh Xh(CJaJh XhxCJaJh Xh6CJaJh XhCJaJ444X5b5z555666667,71777:7Y7n7w77777788xmamYQFQh/h GbCJaJh GbCJaJh(RCJaJhQ@h(R6CJaJhQ@h(RCJaJhQ@hA6CJaJhQ@hACJaJhhACJaJhQ@hhA6CJaJhQ@hhACJaJhQ@hRwCJaJh GhQ@CJaJh hCJaJhQ@h*CJaJhQ@hu]CJaJhQ@h%CJaJhQ@hQ@CJaJhaCJaJ888 8"8*8889888888888\9^9i9v9w9999999&:-:.:::Ĺĭ~rfrb^b^ZS h Xhb*~hyh h^hlh/h/5CJaJh/h$ 15CJaJh,5CJaJh!hCJaJhCDCJaJh hCJaJh Xh{ZCJaJh Xh{ZCJ]aJh/h{ZCJaJh/h{Z5CJaJh/hd5CJaJhkR5CJaJh/h GbCJaJh GbCJaJhBLCJaJ9888)9v9w999.:::E;;;L<<<=g==>m>>? 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Understanding the Kurdish Question, presented to high-school students at Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, OH (Jan. 15, 2010). Kurdistan: The Other Iraq, presented at the Center for Inquiry (Northeast Ohio branch) meeting, Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library, Stow, OH (Sept. 9, 2008). Kurdistan: The Other Iraq. Presented as part of the University of Ƶ Phi Alpha Theta lecture series. Ƶ, OH, Oct. 6, 2006. Prospects for Iraqi Kurdistan. Presented to the Ƶ Rotary Club. Ƶ, OH, Oct. 3, 2006. (De)Constructing Iraqi History, presented at the Missoula Rotary Club, Missoula, MT, Nov., 2003. Languages: Turkish Persian (intermediate) French Kurdish [Kurmanci] (intermediate) Arabic (beginning) Ottoman Turkish (printed and handwritten materials) Academic Work Experience: Assistant Professor, Department of History, The University of Ƶ (8/2005-present). Courses: World Civilizations: The Middle East Iraq in Historical Perspective States and Statelessness in the Middle East: Kurds and Palestinians Critical Approaches to Middle Eastern Histories and Historiographies (graduate seminar) New Approaches to Questions of Peoplehood in Literature on the Middle East (graduate seminar) Ottoman State and Society, 1300-1922 (undergrad/grad course) Islamic Economics? (independent graduate reading course) Women and Gender in Middle Eastern Societies (undergrad/grad course) Race, Nation, and Class in the Middle East (undergrad/grad course) Modern Iran Kurdistan between States and Statelessness Empire, Genocide and Mass Violence (undergrad/grad course) Humanities in the World since 1300 Committee assignments: On search committee for external chair (2007-2008); On search committee for historian of East Asia (fall 2005), Tenure committee (2010-2011); Technology committee (2005-2012), Miller Humanities Fund Committee/Academic Engagement Committee (2005-present (Co-chair, 2011-present)); World Civilizations steering committee (2006-present); peer review committees (2005-present); university-wide Global Studies Initiative (taskforce) (2005-2009); creator and director of the Certificate Programs in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (2006-present); Global Studies Degree committee (2007-2009); Chairs Advisory Committee (2008-09); Scholarship committee (2009-present); Honors committee (2009-present); Director of the World Civ program (2012-present); Faculty Senate (2012-2015); Academic Policies Committee (2012-present); International Educational Experiences Committee (2012-present); Chair, Africanist Search (2012-2013). Global diversity Gen-Ed committee (2015-). Visiting Assistant Professor of History, The University of Montana (8/2003-6/2005) Courses: Ottoman State and Society, 1300-1922 Iraq: A History The Historians Craft States and Statelessness in the Middle East: Kurds and Palestinians Critical Approaches to Middle Eastern Histories and Historiographies (graduate course) Committee assignment: Instructional media and technologies Director, NES Writers Group (Informal Writing Advisor to Undergraduates) Fall, 2001-Spring, 2002 Eastern Consortium Intensive Summer Language Program at NYU Instructor of Second-Year Turkish. Summer, 2001 Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University Assistant Instructor, Introduction to the Middle East (NES 201). Autumn, 1996-97 English Language Institute, University of Montana Bilingual Instructor for Turkish student, beginning English. Spring, 1994 Department of Linguistics, University of Montana Instructor, Intermediate ESL (ESL 450/451). Autumn/Spring, 1992-1993 Department of History, University of Montana Other Educational Work Experience: Writer for the Reading Comprehension section of the TOEFL exam Languages Division, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ Freelance Consultant, September, 1996 to December, 2000; Dec, 2001-Aug, 2003 Full time: July-September, 1996 Writer for the Listening Comprehension section of the TOEFL exam, ETS March, 2003-August, 2003 Educational Technology Consultant Princeton University, Office of Information Technology August, 2002-August, 2003 Academic Fields: General exams passed in Jan., 1998: Late Ottoman History (19th and 20th Centuries); Ottoman History (1300-1800); Nationalism; History of the Modern Middle East Supervisors: Professors M. ^kr Haniolu, Norman Itzkowitz, Khaled Fahmy, and Zachary Lockman (of NYU) Other areas of interest: Racism; Human Rights; History of Modern Turkey and modern Iraq; Kurdish History; Immigration; Gender Studies; Ethnic Conflict; Culinary History; Diaspora{|߾<&E? & FgdN^O & FgdT,h^hgdT,gdu] & Fgd7gd & Fgd7gdK%;N%&D>ʿ{php`pXpPpEPhN^OhN^OCJaJhfCJaJhRCJaJhsCJaJhT,CJaJh Xh(cCJaJh Xh(c6CJaJh/h_^CJaJh/hDCJaJh/hHCJaJh/hX!CJaJh/hH5CJaJh/h{ZCJaJh/h{Z5CJaJh Xh5CJaJh Xh{ZCJaJh XhK_iCJaJhCJaJ>?|(;=HIgstǿǷvk_S_Hh Xhm CJaJh Xh7,6CJaJh Xhm 6CJaJh XhxCJaJh8 9hrkzCJaJh8 9h04CJaJh8 9CJaJhN^OCJaJh8 9h>CJaJhtCJaJhxCJaJhRCJaJhCJaJhRCJaJhX KCJaJh7,CJaJh Xh7,CJaJh XhWsCJaJh XhfCJaJ?|=It0AW-.x`gd(c 0^`0gdH+h^hgdx & FgdT,LXZx(79O^_p'235OYϿϯϧǿ𜿑چ~vnڿ~hCJaJh XCJaJhLZCJaJh XhWsCJaJh XhfCJaJh Xh7,CJaJhA=CJaJh_CJaJh0CJaJh:TCJaJh(d CJaJh Xh=4CJaJh XhD@CJaJh Xhm CJaJh  CJaJhy6CJaJ+Y{ е{pepZNCh Xh_CJaJh Xh_6CJaJh/h}CJaJh/huCJaJh/hgCJaJh/hlhCJaJh/hD5CJaJh/h}5CJaJh/hlh5CJaJh XhHCJaJh Xhm CJaJha#CJaJh}CJaJhCJaJh0CJaJh]CJaJhKrCJaJh,CJaJh> xCJaJ04?@AW-.Jx7y89fxɾ겧znbVh/hZs5CJaJh/hZqv5CJaJh/h3(5CJaJh/h}CJaJh/h{ZCJaJh/h{Z5CJaJh Xh}CJaJh XhQ5CJaJh XhQ56CJaJh XhHCJaJh XhK_iCJaJh XhnE`CJaJh XhGACJaJh Xh_CJaJh XhCJaJ!789P ByG4x B"$÷}rfrfr[P[P[hp <hyBCJaJhp <hoFCJaJhp <h7.CJH*aJhp <h7.CJaJhp <h>6C <hm+6C <h{Z6CJaJhp <hGACJaJhp <h{ZCJaJhp <h{Z5CJaJ hp <5h/hGACJaJh/h}5CJaJh/h}CJaJh/h{ZCJaJh/hCJaJ$GS *J35NnuȽwswswswsoejhkR0JUhkRhdLjhdLUhp <hOCJ\aJhp <hCJ\aJhp <h5CJ\aJhp <hzCJaJhp <hQ5CJaJUhp <h{CJaJhp <hSCJaJhp <hACJaJhp <h2ICJaJhp <h{Z6CJaJhp <h{ZCJaJ%s; Comparative Genocide; Violence; Militias; Tribes Professional Associations Middle East Studies Association (MESA) American Historical Association (AHA) Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN)     PAGE 1 PAGE 10 Janet Klein, September, 2015 45Ov$%&'h]h&`#$%&'hp <h5CJ\aJhdLh!h;:0JmHnHuhkRhkR0JmHnHujhkR0JU hkR0J(/ =!"#$% UDyK xhttp://www.massviolence.org/The-Extermination-of-Ottoman-Armenians-by-the-Young-Turk-Regime?decoupe_recherche=kevorkianyK http://www.massviolence.org/The-Extermination-of-Ottoman-Armenians-by-the-Young-Turk-Regime?decoupe_recherche=kevorkian^! 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 Normal_HmH sH tH V@V "0 Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\aJ DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 0U`0 Hyperlink>*B*@V`@ FollowedHyperlink>*B* 4 @4 Footer  !.)@!. 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