Dr. Shing-Chung Josh Wong named Fellow



Professor of mechanical engineering Shing-Chung Josh Wong was recently selected as Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in recognition of his outstanding scholarly accomplishments.  

Dr. Wong's research interests include bio-inspired materials research, mechanical behavior and functional properties of polymers, electrospinning, processing-structure-property relationships, coatings, bio- and nano-materials and composites.

Dr. Wong has authored and coauthored approximately 70 articles in book, journal and patent literatures, with additional papers in conference proceedings and refereed abstracts. His work is widely cited with over 2,400 scientific citations and one paper cited well over 320 times. In 2007 he was selected as an NSF CAREER award recipient with a project entitled "Electrospinning-Enabled Bio-Inspired Materials Research and Education" from the Program of Materials Processing and Manufacturing.