Academic Schedule of Classes

The Office of the University Registrar is responsible for coordinating the University's academic schedule of classes, general purpose
classroom assignments and final examination schedules.

Below is a list of reference documents and forms that should aid in the development of your academic schedule: 

  • Meeting Pattern Grid - Approved meeting pattern grid for fall and spring semester classes.
  • Course Distribution Worksheet (Fall/Spring) (Excel) - An excel version of the Course Distribution Worksheet enhanced with basic statistical information about distribution of classes.
  • Course Distribution Worksheet (Fall/Spring) (PDF) 
  • Meeting Pattern Grid (Summer) - Approved meeting pattern grid for summer semester classes.
  • Web-Enhanced/Web-Based information
    • Traditional course: 100% face-to-face instruction; this type of instruction can be web supported, however the number of face-to-class sessions is not reduced  
    • Web-enhanced course: 1-30% of instruction completed online; any class that meets more than 70% of the time in a traditional classroom setting, with remaining instruction taking place online.  Meeting times and days should reflect actual needs based upon a 70% or less need
    • Web-based course:  31-99% of instruction completed online; any class that meets less than 31% of the time in a traditional classroom setting, with remaining instruction taking place online.  Meeting times and days should reflect actual needs based upon a 30% or less need
    • Online Course: 100% of instruction completed online.
  • Location Guidelines
  • Department Course Scheduling Training Documentation
  • – Distance Learning, Classroom Equipment, Springboard, etc.
  • Scheduling Maintenance Form - Complete and email to classroomsched@uakron.edu
  • Distance Learning Reservation Request Form - Listed in 'Forms for Faculty and Staff'

Event Reservations for Academic Space